  • Age Exclusive Housing
  • Assisted Living
  • Care Homes
  • Independent Living
  • Over 55s
  • Retirement Housing
  • Sheltered Accommodation
  • Sheltered Housing
  • Supported Housing

Sheltered Housing & Accommodation Peartree

Peartree is an affluent town located in the heart of New England. It has a long, rich history, and is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the region. The town is known for its quaint downtown area, which features several iconic landmarks, including Peartree Park and the historic Peartree Inn. Peartree is also home to a variety of cultural attractions, including a museum, several art galleries, and a film festival. The town has a strong reputation as an ideal destination for retirees or older adults. Peartree offers a variety of senior housing options, ranging from independent living apartments to assisted living communities. There are also multiple medical facilities in the area, including a hospital and various medical specialists. The town also features a wide range of activities and events specifically designed for seniors, such as health and wellness classes, educational seminars, and social gatherings.

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