  • Age Exclusive Housing
  • Assisted Living
  • Care Homes
  • Independent Living
  • Over 55s
  • Retirement Housing
  • Sheltered Accommodation
  • Sheltered Housing
  • Supported Housing

Sheltered Housing & Accommodation Brigstock

Brigstock is a small rural village located in the county of Northamptonshire, England. It is known for its picturesque setting, with rolling hills and green pastures that stretch as far as the eye can see. The village is steeped in history, with a Norman church, an old manor house, and a picturesque duck pond. There are also several notable landmarks, such as the 12th century castle motte and the nearby Brigstock Country Park. Brigstock is an attractive destination for retirees or older adults, offering a variety of senior housing options, medical facilities, such as the Brigstock Medical Centre, and community activities, such as the popular weekly farmers market. The village also boasts a good range of local amenities, including a post office, two pubs, and a range of cafés and shops. Brigstock is a great place to enjoy a peaceful retirement, surrounded by beautiful countryside and friendly locals.

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Cripps House, Brigstock

Age exclusive housing

mapMarkerGrey Park Walk, Brigstock, Ketterin...