  • Age Exclusive Housing
  • Assisted Living
  • Care Homes
  • Independent Living
  • Over 55s
  • Retirement Housing
  • Sheltered Accommodation
  • Sheltered Housing
  • Supported Housing

Sheltered Housing & Accommodation Birch Row and Hornbeam Way

Birch Row and Hornbeam Way is a small, vibrant community located in a beautiful area of the countryside. Its history dates back to the 1700s, and it is home to several notable landmarks, such as a 13th-century church, a 16th-century pub, and a picturesque manor house. Additionally, the area is home to numerous parks, nature reserves, and quaint shops. The area is an attractive destination for retirees or older adults due to its quaintness, scenic beauty, and proximity to larger towns and cities. Senior housing options and medical facilities are readily available, and the community hosts many events and activities geared towards older adults, such as guided walks and educational talks. Additionally, the community offers plenty of recreational activities, from fishing and golf to tennis and cycling.

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